Friday, November 26, 2010

paper model of f-16

cockpit part 

split cockpit

vertical tail

fuselage of the aircraft

main part of wings

assembling of all the pieces of paper

home made hotwire foam cutting machine made in one hour, can cuts thermo pole, deprone plastic and polystyrene etc

its a nichrome wire which you can find in any soldering iron take it out make it straight

made wooden stand and hang the wire firmly with both the sends use any 6 or 12 volts battery so in that manner you can heat up the resistive wire be carefully in heating the wire it should not be red hot in that case the life of the wire will be less 

i cut each surface of my failed glider with that cutter  and it worked amazingly

front view of the cutter can cut anything like polystyrene, thermo pole, plastic and other similar material easily and finely   

dual tone multiple frequency (DTMF) controlled vehicle

this is the internal setup of GSM controlled vehicle showing DC gear motor

this is the working of the DTMF in which call has been made from other mobile and key tone is decoded in binary coded decimal which is then processed in the micro controller and subsequently a desired movement is produced 

another view showing working of DTMF by glowing the LED's

camera mounted panel  

camouflage by pasting leave on camera panel  

internal view showing four gear motor

top view of working

final product ready to spy some one remotely

side view of the vehicle 

reinforced rubber tracks 

my projects and there discription

its a car which keep on running until a light doesn't fall upon it  

a prototype factory in which terminal rotating is been done by using stepper motor  this is idle procedure where you have short of space in the terminal light is been used to stop the car and then car is been rotated at that platform 180 degree 

once the car is been rotated 180 degree and its ready to go the lights of the terminal is been switched off which helps the car to move in straight line for next terminal

showing you the prototype factory's next terminal